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德国强力脉通 本品采用*新科技,从纯天然草药提炼出抗动脉硬化、血管栓塞、平衡血压、降血脂之治疗保健剂。
为针对治疗抗动脉硬化及其并发症,德国草本发展化验药厂经多年临床验证,精配而成的『德国强力脉通』在医治及治疗上各方面都得到超卓的成效。经长期服用的患病者除达至肯定的治疗功效外,本品仍天然草药制剂绝无化学成份,亦不会产生副作用,患者可安心服用。 适应症:动脉硬化、血压高、心肌梗塞、心绞痛、心脏过劳、大脑栓塞、脑溢血、眩晕头痛、记忆减退、肝硬化及肝功能障碍等。 包装:60粒瓶装 服法:口服,每日二次,每次一粒或按照医生指示。(隔天服一丸能收预防、保健之功) 请存放于阴凉干爽处。 售价:180元 This product is made of seleced Natural Herbal containing no toxic & chemicals. No side effect reported. Maxhoton Capsule is purely abstracted from natural herbal through advanced technology. It's a sanitarian preparation of antiatheroselerosis, balancing blood circulation, decreasing lipid Arteriosclerosis and Hypertension. Clinical tests prove that it's effective and has not any side effect. Indications :Arteriosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial infraction, angina pectoris, cerebral infraction, bleeding in the brain, vertigo & headache, loss of memory, cirrhosis. Packing : 60's per bottle Dosage : One capsule twice a day or as directed by the physician. Cost: HKD$180 香港惠健医药网 风湿类 肠胃类 鼻炎类 眼科类 糖尿病类 排石护肝胆类 补肾壮阳类 妇科用药类 心脑血管用药 药膏类 药用胶布类 美颜保健类 其它专科用药类