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超速效乌丝生发素 大部份都市人,不论年龄性别,都会不约而同,或多或少地为他们的烦恼丝忧虑 ── 脱发、秃头、白发及头发干旱开叉折断,甚至一夜间部份头发无故脱落﹝俗称鬼剃头﹞。 《超速效乌丝生发素》所含之活性分子能增强毛囊细胞微丝血管带氧运行,令毛发能吸收更多养份,刺激垂死毛囊回复生机;令静止及衰退中之毛囊重新活跃,更能刺激色素细胞产生黑色素,保持发质乌黑光亮正常生长。故对过量脱发、黑发变白、发质开叉折断等皆有显著功效,同时对皮肤保养及强健身体亦同样有良好效果。 德国草本发展化验药厂研究人员针对上述情况,经多年艰苦研究,终于成功研制出一种不含毒性及化学物质,绝无副作用,以名贵草药炼制而成之《超速效乌丝生发素》,服后能令毛囊加速新陈代谢,均衡人体内分泌,令毛发自然生长,保持柔顺乌黑光泽。 适应症:头发稀少,促进头发生机,预防及治疗脱发、秃头、白发、以及修护枯黄发质、地中海症及鬼剃头症状。 包装:60粒瓶装 服法: (治疗性) 以三个月为一疗程,口服:每日两至三次,每次一粒;或按照医生的指示。 (预防性) 预防及保养以每日一次,每次一粒。 售价:238元 Most urbanite no matter his age or sex will more or less worry about his hair - trichomadesis, calvities, alopecia arenta, etc. Aiming at the above situation, Germany researchers success in developing a Natural Herbal - Alopecia Rescued, which has no toxicity, no chemical substance, no side effect and abstracted from rare herbal substances after many years hard working. It can accelerate the metabolism of hair follicle, balance internal secretion and make hair jet black and shiny. Indications :Medical treatment or prophylaxis of alopecia, prevention of whitening of hair, loss of hair and canities, restoring original hair color and rejuvenating unhealthy hair. Make hair strong and shiny. Dosage : (Medical treatment for three months) One capsule two to three times daily, or as directed by physician. (Prophylaxis) One capsule one time per day. Packing :60's per bottle Cost: HKD$238 香港惠健医药网 风湿类 肠胃类 鼻炎类 眼科类 糖尿病类 排石护肝胆类 补肾壮阳类 妇科用药类 心脑血管用药 药膏类 药用胶布类 美颜保健类 其它专科用药类